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Пользователь kimberlykim416
Рейтинг: 12 0(0)/0(0)/0(0)
Свободен, был на сайте 18.03.2012 00:19
Просмотров: 31
Дата регистрации: 14.03.2012
На сайте: 12 года 4 месяца 13 дней
В каталоге: 2890-й
Kimberly A
Не задано
My regards to all you English language practitioners! Congratulations on your English learning accomplishments thus far! It would be delighted to assist you in any way towards your future progress in English speaking, reading, writing, and listeningaptitude. My name is Kimberly and I enjoy education through world travel and adventure. Having visited 28 different countries, I reveal in cultures, foods, traditions, and most importantly the people. These experiences have exposed me to different languages and, of course, required me to share my own native language – English. These experiences prompted me to obtain two TELL certifications to officially teach ESL while traveling. Now, after three years of teaching ESL, and with the backing of my bachelors and masters degrees, I feel confident and qualified as an ESL teacher. I have effectively taught students with various English aptitudes, which includes, children, young adults, business English to professionals, students practicing for the TOFEL and IELTS exams, as well as a 50 year old beginner. Additionally, I know how to skillfully hewn an effective and professional CV and cover letter. By facilitating individuals to grow and develop educationally and professionally gives me great satisfaction and is the main reason I enjoy teaching English
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8 (495) 984-89-71
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