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Свободен, был на сайте 11.10.2023 15:09
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Дата регистрации: 11.10.2023
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Instant1 Medicalcare
США, Арканзас
Personalized care: With a conventional office practice, a physician is always forced to manage nearly 2000 patients on average and this translates to attending to one patient every 15 minutes! Under such conditions, it can prove difficult to offer personalized medical care. A concierge medicine, on the other hand, allows doctors to work with a relatively lower number of patients, and this enhances personalized care incredibly. Instant Medical Care offers highly specialized care such as 24-hour access to the physician, guaranteed same-day visits and treatment, low waiting room times and on rare occasions, house calls. Simply put, as a patient, you have every reason to switch to concierge medicine!
It is fairly more affordable: Instant Medical Care’s concierge practice is not only more affordable but offers high-quality medical care.
It results in better medical services: Chronic diseases are on the rise hence the urgent need for more specific and detailed answers! This is where concierge medicine really shines. Concierge medicine typically reduces the patient overload thus allowing physicians to establish a more intimate and solution-driven relationship with their patients. This gives them an opportunity to actually dive deeper and examine the possible root causes of the condition and finding long-lasting solutions.